24 March 2014

Update on life--and mostly books.

    As I look outside, let's just say I'm not overly exuberant. It snowed this morning--again. Now it's cloudy and windy. March is such an unpredictable month. At least by Easter it will really be spring. Hopefully.
     My sister is here on spring break from college right now. (Much later than everyone else's spring break.) It gives us still-at-home-ies an excuse to do less schoolwork, so that's always fun! What's not so fun is that I have an aggravating cold, which means my brain is foggy. Which wouldn't be so bad, were it not for the fact that I have two essays to write this week. I've done a lot of sleeping and less writing than I should.
     Well, now for something a little more interesting!
     My mom and I watched the 1996 version of Jane Eyre last night. She was reading it for her book club, and after reading a book it's our tradition to watch at least one of the movie versions out there. I believe we have previously watched every Jane Eyre version in existence. (There are like 17, right? It seems so.) I have never read the actual book. I sometimes joined Mom while she was listening to it for book club, but she listened to much of it without me. I did read the Usborne abridged version, though. And, up to date, it's the first and only book that has made me literally cry. I think I was having a bad day. Anyway, such a grand feat (grand for my standards) automatically raises a book in my esteem. So I shall read the real version eventually, once I finish all this school. Maybe this summer.
     I'm looking out the window again, and it's cloudier than before. How marvelous. Good thing March is only one month! April is usually far springier.
     A bientot! 


  1. I am sorry the weather is rotten :P But on your birthday it is supposed to be 63 degrees we could practically go swimming!


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