20 February 2015

Artsy and Wordy stuff

My favorite thing to do that counts as visual art is lettering. It combines my love of art (which is easily eclipsed by my sisters) and my love of words! (Click here to see some previous endeavors of mine.)
So, why not do some word art?
Here are a few I've done lately. Most of the quotes are either Jane Austen or Chesterton, with some exceptions of quotes about writing.
These two are my latest--I love both the quotes!

The view from my writing desk. 

This one also is a bit writing-related, so it's near my desk, too.

The one above this, this one, and the one below are backgrounds I commissioned Tessie to do for me with watercolor.

I love the background and the quote, but the lettering could have been better on this one.

True. Just true. Thank you, Henry Tilney.

I experimented with this one--mixed feelings about the results.

Of course I couldn't resist putting Jane's quote on my mirror!
Do you know of any quotes you think I should do? I'm eager for suggestions!


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