09 August 2016

TAC 2016: the Getty Center & the Hollywood Bowl

Two days after our trip to the beach, we boarded the buses again, this time heading toward Los Angeles.

First stop was the Getty Center. We didn't have as much time there as we would have liked, due to fires and bad traffic, but it was still a lot of fun. My group headed straight for the Impressionist paintings.

 After seeing our fill of those, we moved on to Sacred Art.

a beautiful little Annunciation
 There was a whole room of old illuminated books and manuscripts. It was my favorite part! 

 We tried to read the Latin but the handwriting was a bit too intricate for our modern minds.

 There were also some stained-glass windows in an adjoining room.

St. Margaret of Scotland: the patron of our homeschool group.

After the Getty Center, we drove to the Hollywood Bowl. We had pizza and fruit around picnic tables outside the entrance, then went in for the orchestra concert.

You could almost see the Hollywood sign from our seats!
with Antonia and Bernadette before the concert
The concert was fantastic—Beethoven and Ravel.
We got back to campus around midnight, all exhausted but happy.

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