25 June 2016

Weekly Prompt Writing

Yep, it's back! At least for the time being. From tonight's meeting.

Whitney sidled a little closer. "You know, I feel like we're really connected."
"Do you?" James barely glanced up from his pizza.
"Yeah. It's like we're the same person in different bodies...if that makes sense. It's like we are finishing each other's--"
"Government conspiracy theories. I totally get you, Whitney." He put down his pizza to give her his full attention. "Like, that time when I mentioned Area 51, you were the first person to catch on. Do you watch the X-Files, too?"
Whitney looked down at her hands. "That's not exactly what I meant."
"It wasn't?" James relaunched into his pizza.
"No, I meant we finish each other's..." She paused dramatically.
"Uh, homework? Because I haven't finished that essay for you yet."
"No, idiot, not homework." She took a deep breath. "We...finish...each...other's...?"
He gave her a blank look. 
"SENTENCES! We finish each other's sentences." She leaned against the back of her chair in defeat. 
James licked the pizza sauce off his fingers. "You know, the situation didn't illustrate your statement very well."
They were silent for a while.
Then Whitney started. "You haven't finished the essay yet? That's due today!"

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