07 May 2016

Weekly Prompt Writing

From tonight's Skype meeting.

I was counting the number of seconds that went by before someone noticed me. I was blissfully at 438 when Asher turned to me. 
"You're up next, Sebastian."
I shuffled my feet. "I was planning on just observing..."
"Oh no you don't," he said, inching me toward the open door. "You may not like the idea of skydiving, but it's my birthday, so you have to do it."
"Don't you think the danger level is a little--"
"It's perfectly safe!" he yelled, and then pushed me out of the plane.
After the initial panic and regret that I hadn't written my will before leaving the house this morning, I began to notice my surroundings.
Or rather, my lack thereof. The air was paper-thin, and clouds hovered in whisps here and there. I looked down and saw the other skydivers hundreds of feet below me. Antonio was cheering, arms flung out, like he was having the time of his life.
It was a pretty cool experience, I had to admit to myself. But not one I would have done for anyone except my best friend. 
Nearing the ground, the panic set in again. What if my parachute malfunctioned? I'd be mauled on a bystanding rock and they'd have to collect my remains for a proper burial. Or what if I broke my neck? My dad didn't have the funds for those kind of hospital bills.
I tried to remember what the instructor had told us, but my mind was blurring with adrenaline.
And then I landed. I was in pain, but unharmed. And in a surprisingly light mood. 
"Wasn't that awesome?" Antonio asked, coming up to help me out of the parachute.
"No," I said, "but it was interesting. Really gives you a hands-on experience of physics."
Antonio rolled his eyes and trudged up to the waiting instructors.

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