14 March 2015

Writing Update

My blog posts lately have been few and far between...not because I'm especially busy, but because the weather has been beautiful! Why blog when you can go for a walk in the sunshine?
Anyway, I've been making  a lot of progress on my story. Recently I was working on the Ordinary World, which was pretty much nonexistent. This week I finished that and connected it to the Call to Adventure. I've also been revising heavily for a couple of months now, so lots of unneeded passages are flying away. I began the story before I had fully worked out the plot, and changed the plot several times (still am), so it was in great need of revision, especially the beginning. Plus, since I added three or four chapters in the beginning, I could take out a lot of backstory from the rest of it since I was able to show it in the Ordinary World.
Yesterday I began the major death scene. It takes place on Holy Thursday, so some of my family members will understand the reason for my questions about Eucharistic processions, etc. Today I plan to actually write the part where the character dies. (Not telling you which one, I'm a spoiler-free blogger!)
The scene I plan to write after that is the climax, then maybe I'll weave in the major Shapeshifter scene. I sometimes write in a linear fashion, just continuing the story chapter by chapter, but currently I need to know what I'm leading up to so I can structure it well. So I'm writing major scenes, then I'll go back and fill in the important-but-less-crucial stuff.
I love this picture.

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