01 September 2015

The Beginning of the End...I mean, the school year

Yesterday was the official First Day of School for my one-student academy. (Needless to say, this highly specialized school includes an ultra-customized curriculum and 100% one-on-one time with teachers. Yeah. Homeschooling.)
I had my first day of class for Algebra 2 and Chemistry (history doesn't start until after Labor Day). I'm in the third section of Algebra 2, so there are only six students. Yay for small classes! Chemistry has 18 students, the vast majority of whom I remember from last year or even two years ago, so that's cool.
Concert choir is going well...we just received our permanent seating arrangements (finally). I got a copy of the audition music for All-State Chorus, so I'm having fun working on that in preparation for auditioning!
And and and! Family Camp is this weekend! Hooray hurrah!
Yep, that's all for now. Except that I read about Hernando Cortez yesterday.
The End
I mean, Beginning.

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