04 October 2014

The Mentor

In writing class this week we are talking about the Mentor archetype. The Mentor is the "wise old man or woman" who teaches and protects the Hero.
Usually, the Mentor prepares the Hero for embarking on his Journey. The Mentor may also help the Hero grow physically, emotionally, or spiritually. Usually he gives the Hero some special "equipment"-- a piece of advice, a weapon, a magical potion, a raggedy old book, a crucial piece of information. Often the Hero does not realize the importance of the gift the Mentor gives him until the climax, when it comes in handy.
The Mentor helps the Hero know more about himself. The Mentor can be a former Hero, still on his own journey, or a fallen Hero, but always has the necessary experience to help the Hero. There are, obviously, many different types of Mentors, but the most common is the "wise old man" figure. (Think Gandalf, Dumbledore, etc.)

Often the Mentor learns and grows in himself while teaching the Hero. (The best way to learn something is to teach it, right?)
The Mentor can be a Shadow (good? bad?) or a Shapeshifter (sometimes good, sometimes bad). Rarely the Mentor is one and the same with the villain, because the Mentor must be someone the Hero can trust. Who would take advice from their arch-enemy? Though maybe the Mentor can start out good and become evil as the story progresses...
There's a lot to know about archetypes. This kind of learning is fun!


  1. Wow super interesting! Keep up the posts like this, I'm really enjoying them!

  2. Glad you like them! I didn't think I explained it very well, but you seem to get what I'm saying, so I'm satisfied. =)


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