12 October 2014


Fall has officially set in in this part of the world. The trees are turning (though many are still green) and it's getting cold. I have yet to make pumpkin muffins, but that will happen soon. We have made lots of afternoon tea already. I'm drinking chai right now. Also, we got out the coats and boots (though we have yet to need the latter, thankfully).
Yesterday Mom and I decided to go to McCrory Gardens (click here for details) for a fall-y walk, and she took photos of the seasonal color with her iPhone.
What a gorgeous color. God has good taste.

A section of this tree was a bit ahead of the rest.

We just had to stop by the little cottage,

Mom got some fairytale-like lighting.

Only a few flowers were still hanging on bravely.

There was a large patch of these plants, and from far away they looked like a cloud.

They were very soft.

I love the contrast of this tree against the clear blue sky.


  1. I love the pics! Esp the 4th from the bottom. Waaaay too cool! And apparently you need coats but not covered legs? Well it can't be THAT cold then! ;D

  2. Haha! Actually I had goosebumps the whole time. :) I was wearing a dress (the one we bought for $5) because of the concert that night (which is the next post). And no, it wasn't terribly cold that day because it was sunny, but the wind was pretty nasty. Thankfully we didn't feel it amongst the trees.

  3. Yay thrift store dresses!! You know the Kindergarten-teacher dress we got there? I looove it and wear it a lot with leggings-- it's such an easy outfit!


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