23 July 2015

Summer (aka the best season)

Summer is going by way too fast. I have to start thinking about school. And that's depressing. But, this summer has been deliciously hot and sunny, and a great balance of incredibly-busy and empty-and-relaxing. Some things I've been up to:
-Reading. A lot. I'm working my way through several more Agatha Christie novels this summer, as well as reading To Kill a Mockingbird, which I'm almost done with and thoroughly enjoying.
-Writing. Not as much as I would like, but more than I expected. I'm slogging through some romantic scenes before writing the last action scene and the resolution.
-Swimming. Not very often, but often enough. I like my pool-going in small doses.
-Walking. We've been taking a lot of walks, exploring the new neighborhood and basking in our ability to walk to downtown from home!
-Sleeping. Because when will you have time for that extra hour of sleep during the school year?
-Cooking. It's very nice in our new kitchen.
-Practicing music. Building up repertoire in preparation for school.
Those are the main categories of my summer activities. Hooray for the best season!

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