06 May 2015

Writing Update

Things have been busy lately as the semester is winding down. Writing has languished, unfortunately, mainly due to the nice weather, but I hope to get back on track now that a few classes are ending.
However, there have been developments related to writing, if not in my story. Our weekly Skype sessions are growing--we have three new members joining us and a prospective fourth. Over the summer we are going to be reading some books (starting with Description and Setting by Ron Rozelle) in order to work on the things we've learned in class. We will be doing exercises, helping each other, and write-write-writing. The whole thing will be immensely helpful for actually getting something done over the summer. (You know summer, that time of year when you have time to do everything, but motivation to do nothing but read murder mysteries and lie in the sun.)
In regards to my story...things are moving along at a slow pace. I'm working on the scene that will lead up to the climax and the scene that will lead up to that scene. (Confusing, I know.) Next on the agenda is hopefully the climax, then either going back to work on characters or going forward to write the resolution. There is still a gap in the middle--once I've got the Approach and Ordeal worked out I'll go back and fill it in. Things are starting to take shape...finally. If I stay on track, a rough draft is within sight by the end of the summer!

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