21 April 2016


On Tuesday a priest came to our parish to give a lecture and display his traveling exhibit of holy relics: 167 of them, most of them first-class relics, even one from the True Cross and one from the veil of the Blessed Virgin!
This program is one of his religious order's apostolates, and he's traveled the world with these relics. It was really an amazing experience to be in the physical presence of some remnant of all these saints I've read about, gotten to know, and prayed to. I think the oldest relic they had there was probably from St. John the Baptist, and the newest was probably Mother Teresa or Pope St. John Paul II.
It was fun going around and looking for relics of our favorite saints. I prayed before the relic of St. Francis de Sales for our writers' group, since he is the patron of writers. After a long search, I found St. Thérèse of Lisieux, my confirmation saint. I touched my 4-way Medal to her relic, so now I wear a third-class relic of her!

Being Catholic is awesome, isn't it?

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