17 January 2015


Writing class started up again! Rejoice, o ye mountains! Rise up, ye seas, to the heavens! (Okay that was a bit much, but writing is very exciting.)
This semester we are delving deeper into the Hero's Journey--and what each stage means for our stories. There are five whole people in it this semester, but I'm not complaining! Fewer students translates into more teacher time so we are all quite content with the set-up. 
I've been supplementing the writing I do for class with 30 minutes of free writing daily--which lately has ended up being more editing my early chapters than actually writing. But hey, it has to be done eventually. Also my writing buddies and I have renewed our weekly Skype dates, which really helps in expanding ideas, getting feedback, and encouraging each other. No one said being an author was easy!
So all in all, good start to the semester. I have high hopes for 2015, namely, to finish my book about Helena! Also to come up with a title for it...and then start giving Sebastian, Antonio and friends some adventures of their own.

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